Math Grid OL!VE
- Author By Olive
- Publication date October 14, 2024
- Tags: time tables
- No Comments on Math Grid OL!VE
Why hello my fello friends today we were Sharing our math grids so take your time and have a look at what I have done
Today we did our first quote of the year.
Welcome lady and gentlemen today I will be talking about my positive learning story. Click Olives positive learning story on the top sentence. 2023 has gone so quickly but when you look back to Easter it’s sounds so long ago. I am so sad that term 4 has nearly ended.I found it easy write and click to the next page. I found it hard to think of the values that I have done this year so I asked my friend Evie and Lucy to help me with it. I found some really cool photos to add to it. hope you like my positive learning story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hello there I didn’t see you do you want to hear what we have done with Mrs Bava today? Okay… we were learning about VEX code VR. It was hard to do the coding and to get the right degrees.
I found it easy to share it with you who is reading this bye bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why hello ladies and gentleman if you like puzzles you are in for a treat!!! Today We were discovering mathergon. I made a snail,cake and dog it is like a puzzle.if you want to make one click HERE
if you want to now who is talking IT IS OLIVE LIKE ALWAY’S!!!!!!!!! now buy.
Hi my name is OL!VE and this video is all about a witch and it is in its bedroom doing some funcky dance moves oh ya and this is called OL!VE’S FUNCKY DANCING THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you push the green flag to go for 10 times but if you want to stop you push the red dot It will go around in a square. bye bye!!! oh ya i forgot to say thanks for watching now i can say bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!